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Roofing Contactor Checklist for Hiring a Roofing Contractor in Dayton:

  1. “Backed” by the manufacturer certifications have nothing to do with “quality.” These certifications are handed out based on how many shingles the roofing company purchases from the manufacturer. If they buy a lot of shingles, the manufacturer offers them this bragging right. Again, “quantity” does not mean quality.
  2. Are they licensed and bonded?
  3. Are they willing to provide references? Can you speak directly with the references?
  4. What is the fine print in the warranties they offer? There’s always a catch with warranties. Make sure they are transparent with you.
  5. Do they follow the necessary OSHA safety guidelines when installing your roof?
  6. Do they take down payments or do you pay at the end of the job when your 100% satisfied?
  7. Can they answer your technical questions regarding code and manufacturer specifications? What is step flash and where is it installed? What is a cricket and the required sizes? What type of roofing underlayment is used? Are the underlayments approved by the manufacturer? How long has their installation crew been with them? Can they prove all of this?

Does the Roofing Company You're Considering Have Adequate Insurance Coverage?

in Does the roofing company have adequate insurance coverage and can they prove it? Do they follow OSHA safety guidelines?

Proper insurance coverage by the roofing contractor is much more important than you may think. If a fatality or serious injury happens on your roof from one of the crew members, and the contractor has bare minimum insurance coverage, guess who is liable for the remaining costs from the lawsuit? You as the homeowner. It’s not right! These billboard attorneys market for these kinds of claims. They make a killing on these claims, and they can care less who they are negatively affecting.

Ohio’s minimum required insurance coverage is $1,000,000 personal liability per occurrence. These claims usually end up being a few million dollars if an adequate billboard attorney is hired. This is why choosing a contractor who possesses more than bare minimum coverage is extremely important! Although it is less than a 1% chance of a fatality or serious injury occurring on your job, it is something to keep in mind when choosing a reliable roofing contractor in Dayton. 

In the last 5 years, there has been a 50% annual increase on insurance premiums for contractors. This increase in premiums has caused 3 things to happen: 

  1. Contractors choosing not to carry insurance 
  2. Contractors choosing cheap bare minimum state required $1,000,000/$2,000,000 coverage just to say they have it (Not sufficient in the case of catastrophe) 
  3. They pay for first month just to show homeowners they have the Certificate of Insurance (COI) document in the case that they ask for it

The contractor should be up front with you by sharing with you that they have adequate coverage. In your meeting with the salesperson, if they do not show you their COI, it is important for you to ask for it and have them label you as “additionally insured” at the time of doing your project. Remember, proper insurance coverage protects you as the homeowner. Make sure your chosen contractor not only has adequate coverage, but can prove that it is active by labeling you as “additionally insured.” Adequate coverage is normally a $2,000,000 general liability and $4,000,000 general aggregate. If they have more than bare minimum insurance coverage and can also prove it, then this may definitely be a company to consider for your roof repair or roof replacement.


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